Install Tap-win32 Adapter Windows 7

Install Tap-win32 Adapter Windows 7

How to Manually Install Adapters on Windows 7. User Application Requirement. Right click the adapter and then click Update Driver Software. Click Browse my computer for driver software. Click Let me pick from a list of device drivers on my computer. TAP-Win32 Adapter V9 - SecuwaySSL3 driver is a windows driver. Common questions for TAP-Win32 Adapter V9 - SecuwaySSL3 driver Q: Where can I download the TAP-Win32 Adapter V9 - SecuwaySSL3 driver's driver?

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I'm having trouble installing OpenVPN - the TAP driver simply refuses to install.
I've tried 5 different versions of the installer - including v2.1 RC19 which, according to a Google search, seems to be everyones solution.
I've tried v2.1.3, which supposedly should have the driver signing solved, v2.1.1, v2.1.4 and even v2.2 beta5 - all run as administrator.
I've tried running the installers in compability mode set to Vista, aswell.
I've tried downloading the x64 driver (tap0801), from, and installing it manually (from a dos prompt, run as administrator, from a destination folder that isn't named with troublesome characters like space), and between the installs, i've even made sure to uninstall the 'unknown' TAP network adaptor, the installations leaves behind.
I've tried extracting the driver (tap0901) from the installer and manually install it, using same procedure as above.
.. I'm fresh out of ideas on how to get OpenVPN running on Windows 7 Ultimate x64, please help.
Mads Jensen
Install Tap-win32 Adapter Windows 7
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