Cartoon Network Big Game Bugs Vs Daffy

Cartoon Network Big Game Bugs Vs Daffy

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(We see the Cartoon Network Sports title just like in the other Big Game parodies, flashing and making booming noises)Announcer: The following is a presentation of Cartoon Network Sports!(We hear the music for the Big Game as we go to a familiar room where certain couples talking)Jake: (notices) Oh, we're on. Yo, dawgs, Happy 2011 and welcome to this year's Big Game.

This one is the rematch of the decades which pits Bugs vs. Daffy.Sasuke: Didn't these two fought in the Big Game before?Cinderella: Well, yes, but this one is a rematch. As you folks are aware, when that game was over, it appears that Daffy has won it 37-31. May we see the clips from that game please?(We see clips of the Big Game XXXIX which features Bug and Daffy at their best. We go back to the commentators)Sora: Right, but when that game is over, it appears that Daffy has won it. But then, we found out it's because that Bugs has 'cashed it all in' and took a vacation. Apparently, that is what we called taking a dive.Sasuke: Right.

Of course, while some people say that Bugs let Daffy won, some felt cheated even Daffy. The duck wanted to win the Big Game on his own terms, not to some 'wasically wabbit' who pulls a Don King!Vanessa: Both players have been playing since then, each one trying to get to the Big Game.

They are here tonight, ready for the rematch. This time, no dives. Just their usual way of playing the Big Game.Sabrina: Oh, in case you're wondering where Jus and some of the hosts are: they're hosting Cartoon Survivor right now so we're hosting this pre-game show for a while.Jake: While we don't know what this year's score's going to be, one thing's for sure: this rematch is a keeper. Let's get this show on a roll, dawg!Sora: Okay, so shall we watch the history of these two?Sabrina: I think they did that in a Big Game.Jake: Right, no need to give us what we know.Sora: Right. We both know who these guys are, but do we really know about them?

Here to discuss that are the other side of the cartoon field: Mickey and Donald!(A familiar mouse and duck appears, waving)Vanessa: Thanks for joining our show.Mickey: No problem! Ha ha ha!Sasuke: So Mickey, as someone is to Bugs what Donald is to Daffy, what do you think Bugs will be doing tonight?Donald: Well, the rabbit has been doing some old tricks, Sasuke. They help him out in the Big Game, but everyone knows that the rabbit won't pull the same trick twice.Mickey: Donald? I thought, being a duck, you would support Daffy.Donald: He and I are rivals, remember?Mickey: Oh right.Sora: So how about Daffy?Mickey: Well, the duck has been gearing upon since his last Big Game.

The duck felt like his Big Game was a rip off. I mean, yeah, he won and all that, but he wanted to win on his own terms.Donald: Right, but even so, he doesn't stand a chance.Sabirna: Wow, talk about rooming for opposites here.Donald: Also, this is the year of the rabbit, everyone! Don't forget that! Expect Bugs to stay in the lead.Cinderella: Well, is there anything else?Mickey: Well, both players will be expected to perform better in the Big Game.Jake: Thanks for the word, Mick. Donald, same to you. And now, some clips of Bugs and Daffy at their best.(Clips were shown then we go to a familiar screen)Announcer: The Big Game XXXIX: Bugs vs. Daffy is brought to you by 'Toon Bachelor'!

We make the love the toon way! We will be back in a moment.(Commercial)Announcer: You're watching the Big Game XXXIX: Bugs vs. And now, your hosts!Jake: Well, dawgs, I believe it's time to take a little review on what has happened since the first Bugs vs Daffy Big Game.Sabrina: Let's begin with the history behind the Big Game. This was the cartoon's answer to the Super Bowl for those who don't know. After a series of events, two toons face each other with a score system, improved since Tom and Jerry's Big Game.

What's the score on that?Sora: I don't know. It was too confusing.

Let's say Jerry 43, Tom 22.Sabrina: Sounds fair. Anyway, it was similar to football, but miles from it.Cinderella: But like any competition for football, fans began to notice problems with this new sport. The biggest one being is that the game is too predictable, with the most likely of victor is always the one to win.Vanessa: Then came 2001, Bugs and Daffy's last Big Game 10 years ago. To the surprise of everyone who watched that event, Daffy Duck, a cartoon only a handful of people have put money on, beat Bugs Bunny in the final seconds.Sasuke: Everyone was shocked at the outcome. Even Daffy Duck, a person known to rub any sort of success at Bugs Bunny, was speechless.Jake: Afterwards, someone over there received an e-mail with a video of Bugs Bunny far away from the event, at the same time the final seconds were counting down.Vanessa: To this day, we don't know why Bugs took a dive, but that ended the Big Game. On television, anyway. Meh.Cinderella: But where that event's story ends, our event's story begins.Jake: For a while, Bugs received no applause for his actions.

Then one day, a script for 'Looney Tunes: Back in Action' was confirmed, questionably more focused on Daffy than Bugs. While the movie wasn't as good as it was in box offices, it did begin the motions for things to come.Sasuke: Soon, Bugs Bunny's stardom began to fade more and more as a few of his pet projects, such as Loonatics, have been met with mixed reactions.

Most of them were negative, especially Loonatics for its' 'Modernized Reboot'.Sora: While Daffy's projects were as successful as Bugs' and by that I mean ratings failure, his works have been viewed in a more positive light. These views are also shared among the creative team of Warner Brothers Studio as their next movie project showed.Sabrina: That movie was another attempt at making a Looney Tunes Christmas Carol. Only for this attempt, Daffy was given the title role, while Bugs was given a very minor role. With the next couple of movies starring Marvin the Martian and Speedy Gonzales, it seems Bugs Bunny is no longer WB's biggest star.Vanessa: But even so, just for charity, they have decided to give a proper end to their feud in a special Big Game.Cinderella: We call it. Battle Games.Sasuke: Right. And here to discuss this Big Game is their coaches.Jake: It's not Mojo or Dexter; Mojo is visit with his crimes and Dexter has quit being Bugs's coach in disgust over what happened in that mentioned Big Game.Sabrina: Here tonight to discuss their players are their girlfriends Lola Bunny and Melissa Duck.(We see screens appear with Lola and Melissa in each one)Lola: Hey guys!

Thanks for having us here.Melissa: Right. Same here.Sora: So, what's this we hear about Battle Games?Lola: Well, Bugs and Daffy decided to make the arena into one for the record books. They will use every trick and such to help them win: just your old fashion rivalry.Melissa: The difference here that it would be something out of that former Nickelodeon show 'Guts'. Remember that one?Vanessa: I do remember bits of the show.Melissa: Right! That is what Bugs and Daffy will be going for here.Cinderella: I see.

So will Bugs promise to not take any dives?Lola: He said the last one was a mistake; that his popularity got faded as a result. He plans on redeeming himself by any way possible.Sasuke: (pause) So that's it? No bickering like Mojo and Dexter has done?Melissa: Ha!

Like I would do so with a doll rabbit!Lola: (glares) Excuse me?Melissa: Well, I ain't arguing with you. We know Daffy will win. Bugs is a has-been now.Lola: He is not! Bugs just have bad breaks!

Your duck likes to cheat!Melissa: At least he cheats fairly, Mrs. Brat!Lola: How would you like me to come over there?!Melissa: (angrily) I like to see you try!!!!Jake: Whoa, ladies, ladies! Save it for the Big Game! Thanks for joining us both!(The screens disappear)Jake: Wow, food for thought, eh?Sabrina: Right. No one will predict how the Big Game will end tonight. But one thing's for first: both fighters will give us quite a show.Vanessa: Right, but let's not forget that, although Bugs looks like he could be the underdog this time around, this is the Year of the Rabbit. All rabbits should be appreciated.Sora: Like Max, Harvey the Rabbit, sometimes Boingo, Bunnie Rabbot, Cream, the list goes on.Cinderella; But let's not forget one special rabbit who was kinda the original.

And he's the focus of.' Where Did They Get To'?(We see the title screen 'Where Did They Get To?'

With the usual scrolling screen. Then we go to the field with Gremlin Gus)Gremlin Gus: Hey, folks, Gremlin Gus here. It's now the Year of the Rabbit, which is ironic because one is being undermined this year. But if you think about it, one of the most important rabbits ever to set foot the cartoon plains years ago is none other than Walt Disney's first 'son', Oswald the Lucky Rabbit.(We see Oswald the Lucky Rabbit in his earlier cartoons)Gremlin Gus's Voice: Oswald first came into our lives in 1927, created by his 'dad' Walt Disney, in cartoons produced for Charles Mintz and George Winkler. Who could forget shorts like 'Trolley Troubles', 'Oh, What a Knight' and such?

Well, most people did.(We see a frowning Oswald as we see some more flashbacks)Gremlin Gus's Voice: In Spring 1928, after Walt has trouble involving a 20 budget cut with Charles, Oswald kinda got taken by Charles. Walt and his pals created a new symbol that became Mickey Mouse. Of course, Oswald feels a bit jealous and felt that Walt doesn't care for him any longer.

Ha!(We see the events of 'Epic Mickey' occurring)Gremlin Gus's Voice: Of course, Oswald became the resident of a world made by Yen Sid called the Cartoon Wasteland. Of course, his half-brother's accident made the Phantom, or is it Shadow, Blot, which causes the Wasteland to get worst.

Oswald lost his throne and some of his sanity, becoming jealous of Mickey and his popularity. But luckily recently, Mickey, who came into his world thanks to the Blot, had fixed what he done and reconcile with his half-brother.(We see a smiling Oswald)Gremlin Gus's Voice: Today, Oswald is remembered more than ever.

Have a good year, Oswald. You deserve it!(Cut to the Big Game sign)Announcer: This is the Big Game XXXIX: Bugs vs. Once again, our hosts.Jake: Yo, folks. As our Big Game is getting a bit close to starting, how about we watch the two at their best in one of their game films?(We see a Bugs and Daffy cartoon. Once it's done, we go back to the hosts)Sasuke: All right, time we get to the big part, the fans parties.Sabrina: Uh, bad idea: you see, both fan parties got at a place at the same time.and it got a bit.ugly.Sasuke: Oh. How about our reporters?Sora: Hospital with injuries.Jake: Ouch, dawg. Well, let's talk about their outfits.Cinderella: I think that was done.Jake: (Frowns) Blast.

Elmer?Vanessa: Did that in their first Big Game.Jake: The coaches?Sabrina: Jake, we did that already earlier.Jake: (annoyed) Awww, man! Is there anything we haven't done yet?Vanessa: This year's halftime show for one.Jake: (nods) Ah, good choice.

All right, let's go to my dawg Fu Dog and Sabrina's cat Salem for the behind the scenes look at this year's halftime show.(We see Fu Dog and Salem in the backstage area)Fu Dog: Hey guys! Anyway, the halftime show is going to be an interesting one this year.Salem: Right. The whole thing will be one big shin-dig. Here's what is being planned here.(The two motions to a set on the table)Fu Dog: The halftime show here is going to be a tribute to Epic Mickey and Oswald the Rabbit with stuff being seen.Salem: Right.

Once it's done, those Wasteland inhabitants are going to be get one big tribute.Fu Dog: Right. Also, one song that will make sure that they won't be forgotten for years to come.Salem: Hope you guys like the preview. Back to you!(Cut back to the hosts)Vanessa: Thanks, guys! Wow, a tribute to the citizens of the Wasteland. I think we got a big Halftime Show coming.Jake: You got it, Vanessa. (To camera) Folks, don't go anywhere! We will be right back!(We go to the title screen)Announcer: The Big Game pre-game show is brought to you by: Warner Bros.

Been giving you animation since its production. We will be back in a moment.(Commercial)(We hear the Big Game music playing as we go back to the hosts)Sora: Hey guys! Well, we're getting closer to the Big Game.Sasuke: (confused) Wait, so soon? This is going to be a short halftime show.Vanessa: Yeah, but we don't need to overdo it. Anyway, let's take a look back at last year's Big Game which pits Mr.

Rude.(We see a recap of the last Big Game as an announcer spoke)Announcer: A year ago today, fans gathered at Dillydale Stadium with a battle between the two controversy men in Dillydale. As the Big Game begins, Mr. Bump tosses the coin and got hit by it. Then the real Big Game plays which both sides trying to get one another. Rude pulls out the big bomb, more or less.

Grumpy scares him. The list goes on and on.

At the halftime show, we see how it was proven that four eyes are better than one. Then the second quarter, things get even more crazy. Once it's all done and over, Mr.

Cartoon Network Big Game Bugs Vs Daffy

Grumpy has triumphed over Mr. Rude 80 to 55.

I'm some guy in a bus.(We hear the music before going back to the hosts)Sora: Hey, guys, welcome back to the Big Game Pre-Game Show.well, I guess we has said enough. So it's time for the Big Game predictions! Who is it going to be?Sasuke: Daffy.

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The duck won last time. Why not again?Vanessa: Daffy all the way.Jake: Ha! Yeah, Bugs has been losing popularity but it's because of one whacked job mistake! I think a win will make up for everything! Bugs all the way!Sabrina: Oh yeah, I agree. Bugs need to redeem himself in the eyes of his fans.

This is the good time as any.Sora: Well, it's hard to choose, Cindy. Who will we choose?Cinderella: I say Bugs.

I think he has the right a-way to win this Big Game for real this time.Sora: I am thinking Daffy. Well, looks like a tie, eh?Jake: You betcha.Sora: Well, I guess that's it for the pre-game show. (to camera) Folks, thanks for watching. We will see you again at halftime. Now let's get to Chuck Jones Memorial Stadium as the Big Game is about to kick off.(We go to a familiar stadium as the National Anthem is being sang by Horton the Elephant with two voices speaking)Stewie's Voice: Hello all you fans of Looney Tunes. Welcome to the Big Game XXXIX: Bugs vs. Oh great, I thought they did this already.Brian's Voice: This is a rematch, Stewie.

Anyway, I'm Brian here with Stewie as we're done watching the National Anthem sang by Horton the Elephant.Stewie's Voice: Okay, I will admit, that was impressive. Horton totally rules.Brian's Voice: Right. You will hear that as we return for the first quarter of the Big Game XXXIX: Bugs vs. Daffy.(Commercial)(We return to the stadium)Brian's Voice: Okay, so Seth won't have our show do the prequels, but how about fan-fictions?Stewie's Voice: The original is over, Brian!

Oh, we're back and the first quarter has started. The Big Game has begun!(Commercial)(We cut to the field as the action happens when the two commentating)Stewie: (V.O.) Okay, looks like Daffy is putting up the signs. I think we've seen this trick before.Brian: (V.O.) Right. Here comes Elmer. Daffy's trick has earned him big points in his last Big Game.

Let's see if it works out this time.Daffy: (into hole) Oh, Bugsie! I got a special surprise for you.Stewie: (V.O.) Looks like Daffy has things set up. Bugs is out the hole.Bugs: Eh? What's up, Doc?(Suddenyl a blast nearly hits him, zipping across his head.Bugs: (sweatdrop) Too soon.Brian: (V.O.) Unfortunately.

And Daffy scores.(Replay)Stewie: (V.O.) The rabbit has left himself out in the open for this one. Not to mention the catchphrase?

Bad timing.Brian: (V.O.) Bad way for Bugs to start the Big Game.(Back to game)Stewie: (V.O.) Looks like Daffy think he's going to win this Big Game. Of course, Bugs informs Elmer that he's hunting the wrong season here. Here comes Daffy, trying to put the facts straight.Daffy: Shut up! It's Rabbit season!Bugs: Duck season!Daffy: Rabbit!

Fire!(Elmer shrugs as he opens fire on Daffy, causing his beak to fly around)Brian: (V.O.) Wow, that's a first. Bugs score.Elmer: Oh, sowwy! Thought you said duck! I got confused thewe. Heh heh heh.(Replay)Stewie: (V.O.) Daffy has clearly said 'Rabbit', yet Elmer fires at him anyway. So Daffy has tricked himself here.Brian: (V.O.) That's a first, folks, write it down.(Back to game)Stewie: (V.O.) Elmer is firing mad, but both players are running for it, hiding into a hole.

Now let's see what's going on out there.Bugs: Hey Daf. You think he's gone.Daffy: Hang on, I'll check.(Daffy peeks out of the hole, his head disappear for a moment.

Just then a firing noise is heard before the duck came back; his beak is full of holes.)Daffy: (dazed) Nope. Still there.Brian: (V.O.) Bugs scores there.(Replay)Brian: (V.O.) Looks like Bugs is getting his figure back. Asking Daffy if Elmer's still around?

Good play there.(Cut back to Big Game)Stewie: (V.O.) Looks like Elmer is on the prowl again. Now where is that duck?

Oh yeah, there he is setting up landmines.Brian: (V.O.) Landmines? It's like trying a different strategy, but for whom?Stewie: (V.O.) Oh yes, looks like Daffy tossed a carrot in the area. Bugs smell it. What is this, a Road Runner cartoon?Brian: (V.O.) Bugs grabs the carrot, ate it and leaves. Nothing happens. Here comes Elmer and.(KABOOM)Stewie: (V.O.) Ouch, Elmer is tossed towards Daffy, landing near the duck. Not happy at all.Elmer: (glaring) Why you!Daffy: Elmer, wait!(BOOM)Stewie: (V.O.) One shot from Elmer has Daffy's beak a-spinning.

Bugs scores.(Replay)Stewie: (V.O.) The ol' landmine trick.wait, that is a new one, I think.Brian: (V.O.) Couldn't be obvious as a Movie Brat review.(Cut to the Big Game)Brian: (V.O.) Looks like Daffy is having enough. He is taking matters into his own hands with a gun of his own. Now he's out for the run and shoot!Bugs: (gasps) Yikes!Stewie: (V.O.) The two run around that tree.oooh, getting dizzy here. Now Daffy looks around.

Where's that rabbit?Brian: (V.O.) Daffy spots him and shoots him in the butt.(Daffy shot at what he thought was Bugs's tails. To his shock, Elmer came with a blasted rabbit's tail taped to his bottom.)Stewie: (V.O.) Yep, not expecting it. Daffy is on the run with Elmer shooting. Now the duck is stopping at this lake, getting a refreshment.(Daffy drank some water.and we see him leaking with water coming out of him)Brian: (V.O.) Yeah, we expect this to happen.(Replay)Stewie: (V.O.) How in the world did this madness happened? Oh yes, Daffy shot at Elmer's butt and got away. Though he didn't come out of that one unscratched.Brian: (V.O.) On the plus side, that trick has managed to prove that old habits never die hard.

I think.(Cut back to the Big Game)Stewie: (V.O.) Bugs looks like he's in the clear, heading down this road to score and.whoa!(Bugs yelp as he got knocked down to the ground by Daffy with a scooter and holding a mallet)Brian: (V.O.) That came from out of nowhere! Daffy scores! The duck looks like he's going around for another spin.(We then hear the sound of breaking down noises)Stewie: (V.O.) Uh oh, Daffy's scooter is breaking down.and, hooo!Daffy: Ayyyyyyiiiiiiiii!(We see Daffy falling off the cliff to the ground below)Stewie: (V.O.) Ouch! What a humiliating end to the first quarter.(Scorecard)Brian: (V.O.) The score is Bugs 35, Daffy 20.

We will go to commercial but when we come back, it's the second quarter of the Big Game XXXIX: Bugs vs. Daffy.(Commercial)(We cut back to the Big Game as we now see a locate beach)Stewie: (V.O.) We're back, folks, and our action is hitting the beach. Daffy is searching for something with that metal detector of his.Brian: (V.O.) Daffy is looking for treasure right here. And looks like his detector lead him to Bugs's hole.Daffy: Hey rabbit!Bugs: (peeks out) Eh, what's up duck?Daffy: Out of that hole! The treasure's in there!Stewie: (V.O.) Bugs is obviously not amused. He's back in the hole but Daffy dives in after him, getting ducked.

Now Bugs is out of the other hole.Brian: (V.O.) He's getting a mallet and goes back into the hole. What is he.(A whacking sound is heard as Daffy is knocked out of the hole. The duck groans as he got a lump on his head)Stewie: (V.O.) Ha! One lump or two, folks?(Replay)Brian: (V.O.) Yep, one lesson Daffy has learn the hard way: never follow a smart rabbit into his hole. You will regret it big time.(Cut to the Big Game)Stewie: (V.O.) Now Daffy is going for the hose; he is sending it right into Bugs' hole. The duck turns the hose on, ready for some water filling.Brian: (V.O.) Too bad he didn't spot a familiar hose behind him from yet another hole and.(Daffy screams as he gets squirted by the familiar hole, sending him right into a fat woman)Fat Woman: (angrily) Grrr!

How dare you!(The fat woman punches Daffy sending him through a billboard)Stewie: (V.O.) Ouch! Not good, not good.(Replay)Stewie: (V.O.) Folks, that trick just got better and here's proof: never tick off a woman with a gland problem.(Cut back to the Big Game with Daffy operating the cart)Brian: (V.O.) Daffy is taking a new summer job. He's an ice cream man and what's this?Bugs: (approaches) Eh, what's up doc?Daffy: Hey, customer! Want some ice cream? It's free ice cream day.Stewie: (V.O.) What the deuce?!

I didn't know that!Brian: (V.O.) And I didn't know that ice cream is the size of grenades.(Bugs take the ice cream cone that is obviously a grenade in hiding with a string tied to one of the 'sticks'. The duck laughs evilly as he pull quickly on the said string)Stewie: (V.O.) Looks like Daffy is trying to end Bugs's run but.(Daffy didn't notice that he actually pulled the grenade with the pin missing. That is until he looks.)(KABOOM!)(Replay)Brian: (V.O.) Yeah, we kinda figure this could happen. Daffy being an ice cream man, trying to give a grenade favor to the rabbit and pulls the pin.Stewie: (V.O.) He got a charge out of that one, didn't he?Brian: (V.O.) Right.(We see lines being drawn)Brian: (V.O.) As you can see, Daffy was going for the pull and run but the plays ends up blowing up in his face just like his fake ice cream day scam.Stewie: (V.O.) it isn't 'Free Ice Cream Day'?!

Curse you, duck!!!(Cut back to the Big Game)Brian: (V.O.) Daffy is on the prowl for treasure once more. Looks like he is searching the sand for something. Looks like it sound something.Stewie: (V.O.) If you ask me, the whole metal detector thing is a bunch of crap.

Should've search for dynamite.(Daffy uncovers something in the sand but yelps as he found a landmine which explodes)(KABOOM)Brian: (V.O.) Spoke too soon. Anyway, that explosion doesn't seem to put Daffy to pieces.Daffy: (groaning) Mother.(Daffy turn into ashes literally)Stewie: (V.O.) But that will happen. Ha ha ha ha!(Replay)Brian: (V.O.) The most ironic thing about this failed play is that Bugs doesn't play a role in this. Daffy did this all by himself. This could take time to recover.Stewie: (V.O.) Oh, and folks? Don't forget to watch the Epic Mickey Oswald tribute coming up in the halftime show. Back to the game!(Cut back to the game)Stewie: (V.O.) There's our rabbit enjoying himself on the beach, obviously enjoying the treasure he found.


Boy, of all the time luck.Brian: (V.O.) But it looks like Bugs's luck is going to change!(Bugs yelps as a net caught him, which came from out of nowhere)Bugs: Yikes!Daffy: Got you now, rabbit!Brian: (V.O.) Daffy has his prey in his sights and he's swinging him around like a ragged doll, earning some points. Things oughta happen.Stewie: (V.O.) Right. Daffy is now looking to take a closer look at his prey and.Daffy: All right, you want to hand over the loot or what?!(Daffy, opening the net, yelps as he finds a familiar hunter glaring at him)Brian: (V.O.) Well, this is a big surprise.Elmer: Twying to wuin my vacation, eh duck?!Stewie: (V.O.) Daffy made a run for it with Elmer opening fire. Looks like he missed.Daffy: (sighs) I need a drink.(Daffy, buying a juice bottle, took a drinke.with juice coming out of the holes)Brian: (V.O.) Or so he thinks.(Replay)Stewie: (V.O.) Daffy has made one interesting play, but Bugs pull he Elmer switcheroo right on him! On the plus side, that hole gag never gets old.(Cut back to the Big Game)Brian: (V.O.) Bugs is hoping to score in this tanning salon. But Daffy is in hiding. Radio shack pc camera 25-3327 driver for mac. The duck has turned the heat controls to 'heat of the sun'.

Now he's waiting.and waiting.and waiting.Stewie: (V.O.) For the love of.what's keeping him anyway?Brian: (V.O.) Daffy is checking on his opponent and.(Daffy opens the door but yelps as he gets swept away by a wave that appears from out of nowhere. Bugs come out, riding a surfboard)Bugs: Surf's up!Brian: (V.O.) Cowabunga, dude!(Replay)Brian: (V.O.) Daffy has made an original play but Bugs has made one too. Everyone knows that a lot of sweat makes one good wave.Stewie: (V.O.) Oooh, that looks fun! I got to try it on the fat guy later on.(Cut back to the Big Game)Brian: (V.O.) Daffy is now getting his hands on an underground drill. How he got one, I don't want to know.Stewie: (V.O.) He wants his treasure and now the duck is drilling big time.Brian: (V.O.) Daffy is underground and he just crashes into Bugs's home.

Wow, look at that treasure.Bugs: (notices) Eh, what's up, duck?Stewie: (V.O.) Looks like Daffy is about to.oops!(Daffy yelps as the machines go around like crazy, tackling Bugs who yelps as the two go upward)Stewie: (V.O.) Daffy has lost control of his drill! This doesn't look good!(We see the drill flying upward and into the distance, taking two screaming critters with them)Brian: (V.O.) As much as we would to see how that turns out, the second quarter is now over.(Scorecard)Stewie: (V.O.) The score is Bugs 45 and Daffy 30. Time to go to commercial but when we get back, it's time for the halftime show here on the Big Game XXXIX: Bugs vs. Daffy.(Commercial)(Cut back to the studio)Announcer: Welcome to the Big Game Halftime Show! Now the hosts!(We see the hosts speaking)Sora: Hey, folks, it's time for the halftime show. Well, did anyone enjoy the Big Game so far?Cinderella: You betcha.

Yeah, Bugs got ahead and may win this.but the last time people presumed that, Daffy won.Jake: Still, the game has been a big one for both sides of the coin.Sora: Yep. One thing for sure, Daffy may want to pick up the pace if he wants to win.Sasuke: Better not.

Daffy may hear and actually listen.Vanessa: (giggles) Oh Sasuke. (to camera) Well, it's time for our halftime show which is a tribute to the people of the Wasteland, Oswald and Epic Mickey.Sabrina: Things are going to get good so have fun. We will see you again at halftime.(It then showed clips of different scenes from Epic Mickey, including the struggle and eventual friendship of both Oswald and Mickey.)Some: Aww.Jake: Looks like those are some great scenes. Now let's check out the cartoons of Oswald.(It then showed the following clips of the shorts: Great Guns, Trolly Trouble, and Oh, What a Knight.

After each one, many people were laughing.)Sasuke: Those were very funny. Now it's time to hear the grand finale of the half time.

Sylvester vs. Tweety was a 4-hour marathon that aired on on Saturday, January 30, 1999, from 5:00 PM to 9:00 PM, with the first hour consisting of a pre-game show that featured analysis by experts Jerry Glanville, Nick Buoniconti and Len Dawson as well as narration by Harry Kalas. The marathon featured 18 shorts starring Sylvester and Tweety as well as play-by-play and color commentary from Pat Summerall and John Madden during commercials. The marathon was also aired the following day (Super Bowl Sunday) from 12:00 PM to 4:00 PM.This was the second in a series of four Super Bowl spoof marathons that aired annually on Cartoon Network from 1998-2001. These marathons came to be known as '; however, only the final two actually featured this moniker.The game itself used clips from the Sylvester & Tweety cartoons Bad Ol' Putty Tat (for the first half) and Tweety's S.O.S. (for the second half).See Also.References. Johnson, Steve (January 30, 1999).

Retrieved on September 16, 2017.

Cartoon Network Big Game Bugs Vs Daffy
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