Cara Daftar Istock Contributor

Cara Daftar Istock Contributor

Earlier this year launched ESP, their new submission and community platform for Getty Images and contributors. And now they just released Contributor by Getty Images, a new app for mobile devices that merges with ESP and allows to upload files directly from your phone to the agencies.While for now it's solely for photos and has certain limitations in functionality, company says the app is in development and new updates are in the roadmap.Like this, they are giving contributors to both Getty Images and iStock's contributors the chance to simplify their workflow by starting, finishing or completing their submission process on the go. The app is available on both and platforms. What You Can Do with Contributor by Getty Images AppThe new app, which is available for both iOS and Android platforms, lets you complete the submission process for photos from shooting to submitting directly with your mobile device. Here's a quick roundup of its features:. Shoot, upload and submit for RF (Royalty Free) photos. Contribute to briefs, iStock or Getty Images Creative RF collections.

Showcase your best creative work to the world via our contributor platform and earn some income. Already a Contributor? Earn between 30% - 60% commissions from each license sold. Over 5 million ready buyers are waiting to license your portfolio! Your content will be marketed across 44 countries and in 17 local languages.

Import photos to mobile device to submit them. Add model and property releases.


Cara Daftar Email Baru mungkin sudah tersebar luas di Google, dan jumlahnya pun bisa dibilang tidak sedikit (sudah banyak para blogger yang membahasnya). Namun, ada yang menjanggal di hati saya (ceileh) ketika membaca sebagian Tutorial Cara Daftar Email Baru yang ada di Google tersebut. Create a Fotolia account and access your FREE royalty-free images! A vast stock image library for all your creative and business needs!

Start submission via desktop and complete on mobile, or vice versa. Review submissions done with either the app, desktop platform, or third party serviceThis makes for a simple yet useful tool to add to your contributor workflow. It's significantly useful if you are into mobile photography, since you can handle the whole process from creation to submission all in one location. But it's also great to seize spare time and manage your contributions from your phone or tablet. Iso coated v2 280 ecigexpress.

How to Use ItThis app is in connection with the ESP platform. To use it, you must download it, install it and log in to your iStock or Getty Images contributor account using the same login and password you use for ESP. Simple as that!Keep in mind that in the case of iOS, Contributor is replacing the existent Moment app. Refer to Getty's FAQ to learn more about this. What You Can't Do with This App YetThere are some considerable limitations at this point. For one, the app only handles photos.

No illustrations, no video, nor any other media type. On the other hand, it works for RF images only, so you cannot submit Editorial nor RM (Rights Managed) photos with this app as of yet.Another downturning point is the app does not allow for model or property release creation, only lets you manage the documents you already have. Finally, while it lets you manage both your Getty Images and iStock accounts, it only works for one at the time. If you contribute to both marketplaces, you must log in and out from one to the other.However, this app has just been released, and Getty Images already stated they will be working in adding support for more media types and content.You can learn more details on their FAQ section here. Get Contributor by Getty Images and Submit Photos on The GoYou can download Contributor by Getty at the.

It works for iPhone, iPad, iPod and Android devices respectively.Are you going to try and submit your mobile shots using this app? Let us know how it works for you!

While it has been a few years since I was in college, I definitely remember the need for a little extra cash. One thing that most college students have not realized is that you can get this extra cash without having to leave your computer. There are a variety of online jobs for college students, and I will be covering the best 15 jobs available.These online jobs come from a wide variety of areas and required very different skills for each. I have selected them as the best online jobs for college students based on a few factors, such as skills required and money making potential.Untuk setiap pekerjaan, Saya akan menjelaskan apa itu, bagaimana Anda dapat membuat uang melakukannya, dan keterampilan yang terlibat untuk mendapatkan ke dalamnya. My List of the 15 Jobs Online Terbaik untuk Mahasiswa. Halaman Daftar Isi.1. Taking Online SurveysYou may have guessed that this would be on the list, since my site is dedicated to making money from taking surveys.

Namun, I include it at the first spot because it is so simple to use and earn money. There are no background skills needed, and you can begin earning money right now.With taking surveys online, you are getting paid to express your opinions. Market Research firms use your opinion to get feedback on products or services, create new products or services, or get the public opinion on a wide variety of issues. There are also other ways to make money within these sites, which I cover throughout my website, giving specific tricks and tips for specific survey taking websites.To get started, Anda dapat memeriksaIf you don’t want to wait, and would rather dive into making money right away, then I recommend reading ( my current favorite survey taking site).While taking surveys will not get you rich, if you follow my tips here on Survey Chris, then it will make a good amount for a college student. Especially when you consider that you can start earning today and all it takes is a computer or smartphone to get going.

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With the ease of use, and the amount you can add to your monthly income, I believe taking surveys to be one of the best online jobs for college students. Menulis freelanceOnline writing jobs for college students are one of the best ways to make that extra money, and it can even turn into a full on career along with boosting your resume.While I am no expert on freelance writing, here are some articles that can really get you going on freelance writing as a college student:.Here is a list of sites you can look for freelance writing jobs on:.3. Freelance PhotographyIf you happen to be good at photography, or are pretty nifty with your cellphone camera, then you could be making money for your pictures. The way this works is that you create an account and upload your photos to it on one of the sites I’ve listed below. People come to these sites to buy the rights to use the photos and you get paid per download. Simple as that.Berikut website yang didedikasikan untuk mendapatkan yang baik di fotografi:Berikut adalah daftar situs Anda dapat menjual foto Anda di:.4.

General Freelance WorkWhile you can stick to the writing and photography freelancing jobs, there are still a ton of options when it comes to making money online through freelance. As a college student, it is a good idea to take a look through these sites to see if there is any job that you have the skills to complete.Some sites to check out are:.5. Sell on atausering kali, you can find something in a package deal, such as video games and sell them individually for more.Returning your books to the bookstore or those stands that people set up around campus barely pays. You could sell your own books, along with your classmates books online ( for a commission) for much more than you could get at the bookstore.

Take Full Advantage ofBuy/Get things for free, then sell them for more. This can definitely work on Craigslist, because people are constantly selling for cheap or giving away for free items that are perfectly fine, or broken and can be fixed. Sering kali, people give away larger items simply because they don’t want to put in the effort to move them. If you or your friend has a truck, you are at a great advantage for making money with Craigslist.

Juga, if you are good at fixing anything, I’m sure you could find a broken version of it on Craigslist, fix it and then sell it for a profit.Craigslist is also a resource for finding freelance work as well. Data EntryMany companies want to outsource tasks such as data entry or writing transcripts of audio. This is as simple as them sending you files, and you using their software to enter the data, or write down the audio clip.Here is a list of companies offer data entry jobs:.9. Pelayanan pelanggan / sales RepresentativeWhile this is not 100% online, it is still away to make money from your computer, and some of the customer service jobs are completely online, so I figured I would include it. These jobs are as simple as being a customer service representative, or a sales support staff for companies. If you don’t mind being on the phone, then this is a great option for you.Here are a list of companies offer these kinds of positions:.10. Sell ofETSy is similar to eBay or Amazon, but instead of selling random things, you sell your personally made arts and crafts.

If you like to do arts and crafts, and are looking for an online job, then ETSy could work great for you.11. Mulai BlogIf you have a subject that you are interested in or passionate about, you can start a blog online. You can go to, and start a blog in a matter of minutes. One of the easiest way to make money with a blog is to have advertisements on it or to sell affiliate products that you recommend, such as your favorite video games, books or music.This is less guaranteed than taking surveys for money, but is a possibly fun option for you to try. Write a Kindle eBookDo you know how easy it is to write an eBook for Kindle? It only takes a matter of minutes to publish. The writing on the other hand is very difficult.

Namun, if you have a subject or story you think people would like to read about and pay for, then there is really nothing stopping you from giving it a shot.Here is a link to a. Open Your Own Online StoreWhile I do not plan on giving a detailed plan on opening an online store, it is one of the best ways to make a living online. You can either create products and keep inventory, or you can find manufacturers and have your items drop shipped, so you never have to touch inventory.While coming up with a business idea and actually running it are extremely difficult and take a lot of skills and knowledge, setting up a store is super simple with.

Produce an AppIf you are feeling ambitious and think you have a great application idea, then you could be on the other end of the freelance table and hire someone to produce an app for you. Like with running the online business, I cannot give you a detailed description of how to create and sell an app, but this is probably your best place to start. Trading StocksThis is probably very unrealistic for a college student, but I figure the more ideas I give you for online job opportunities the better.

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If you happen to have some extra cash sitting around, and feel confident in your ability to make money in the stock market then maybe this is for you.I will be honest and say this is probably the riskiest way on this list to make money online. But if you are truly interested and feeling ambitious, then check out this to begin learning about it.Di sana Anda memilikinya, my list of the 15 best online jobs for college students. If you have any more ideas for college students making money online or any questions? Biarkan aku tahu di komentar! Keterbukaan pengiklan: Kami mendapatkan komisi untuk beberapa link di blog.

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Cara Daftar Istock Contributor
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